M.S Course

Bio-Computing & Machine Learning Laboratory

Jihong Lee

Jihong Lee received her BS degree in Computer Engineering from Kwangwoon University in seoul, South Korea.
Her research interests include bio-medical signal processing, reinforcement learning and deep learning algorithms.

Journal Article

Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques
Jiseok Yang, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Jihong Lee, Cheolsoo Park, “Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering, Jan 2024


혈압추정모델의 성능향상을 위한 강화학습 모델
이지홍, 박철수, “혈압추정모델의 성능향상을 위한 강화학습 모델”, 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May, 2023

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Determine the Calibration Interval of a Blood Pressure Prediction Model
윤성민, 이지홍, 류한웅, 박철수, “A reinforcement Learning Approach to Determine the Calibration Interval of a Blood Pressure Prediction Model”, 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2023, Seoul, Korea

Homographic adaptation 적용을 통한 손톱 주름 모세혈관의 의미론적 분할 성능 향상

이지홍, 강영신, 양지석, 이현태, 유성기, 박철수, “Homographic adaptation 적용을 통한 손톱 주름 모세혈관의 의미론적 분할 성능 향상“, 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회, June,2024

Impact of Segmentation Improvement on White Blood Cell Counting Accuracy

이지홍, 강영신, 김민지, 원지환, 권동욱, 박철수, “Impact of Segmentation Improvement on White Blodd Cell Counting Accuracy”, International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2024, Nov. 2024



얼굴 영상을 이용한 실시간 심박수 추정 시스템, 신산업융합형임베디드시스템 전문인력양성사업 지능정보시스템 플랫폼 분야 “실무역량강화 성과활용워크샵”, 남유상, 양근보, 이지홍 Nov, 2023.

프레임-이벤트 카메라 센서 기반 자동 백혈구 모니터링 연구, 신산업융합형임베디드시스템 전문인력양성사업 지능정보시스템 플랫폼 분야 “실무역량강화 성과활용워크샵”, 이지홍, 남유상, 권동욱, Nov, 2024.

Enhancing Accuracy in White Blood Cell Counting: A New Method for Nailfold Capillary Video , 신산업융합형임베디드시스템 전문인력양성사업 지능정보시스템 플랫폼 분야 “실무역량강화 성과활용워크샵”, 이지홍 Nov, 2024.

한국정보처리학회 회장상(우수상)
이지홍, 김민지, 남유상, 류한웅, “제 22회 임베디드 소프트웨어 경진대회 산학 프로젝트 부문” Nov, 2024, Seoul, Korea



프레임-이벤트 데이터 융합 기반 객체 탐지 장치
박철수, 이지홍, 강영신, 원지환
출원번호: 10-2024-0194030
철원일자: 2024.12.23

Yoontae Park

Yoontae Park received his BS degree in Computer Engineering from Kwangwoon University in Seoul, South Korea.
His research interests include machine learning algorithms, Deep learning, and Reinforcement Learning

Journal Article

Designing Spiking Neural Network-Based Reinforcement Learning for 3D Robotic Arm Applications
Yuntae Park, Jiwoon Lee, Donggyu Sim, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park. “Designing Spiking Neural Network-Based Reinforcement Learning for 3D Robotic Arm Applications“. Electronics 14, no. 3: 578. Jan 2025. (SCIE, Co-first author: IF=2.6, JCR Top 45.3%)

Brain-Inspired Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Network-based Control: A Tutorial
Choongseop Lee, Yuntae Park, Seongmin Yoon, Jiwoon Lee, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park (accepted). “Brain-Inspired Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Network-based Control: A Tutorial.“ Biomedical Engineering Letters. 2024. (SCIE, Co-first author: IF=3.2, JCR Top 54.1%)

Classfication using a Spiking Neural Network:A Review
Yoontae Park, Unang Sunarya, Geunbo Yang, Choongseop Lee, Jaewoo Baek, Suwhan
Baek, Cheolsoo Park, “Classification using a Spiking Neural Network:A
Review” , IEIESPC 2023-02(KCI, vol.12 No.01)





Dongwook Kwon

Dongwook Kwon received his BS degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering from Kwangwoon University in Seoul, South Korea.
His research interests include deep learning, anmaly detection algorithim, computer vision.

Journal Article


Enhancing Medical Device Security with GNN-GRU Anomaly Detection Model
D. Kwon, Y. Kang, and C. Park, “Enhancing Medical Device Security with GNN-GRU Anomaly Detection Model,” The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Nov 2023.

Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Using Deep Learning based Bidirectional GRU
D. Kwon, Y. Kang, J. Yang, and C. Park, “Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Using Deep Learning based Bidirectional GRU,” IEIE Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing, Sep 2023, pp. 239-241.

Analysis of Reconstruction-Based Multivariate ECG Time-Series Data for Arrhythmia Diagnosis
D. Kwon, Y. Kang, and C. Park, “Analysis of Reconstruction-Based Multivariate ECG Time-Series Data for Arrhythmia Diagnosis,” The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Nov 2022
, pp.425-426.


영상처리를 활용한 스마트 항만 관리에 대한 연구 (2021)
2021 스마트 해상물류 프로젝트 경진대회 금상[장관상] 수상

Research of Smart Kitchen IoT System Using Computer Vision & Deep Learning (2021)
2021 MY(Multi-Y)캡스톤 디자인 경진대회 최우수상[총장상] 수상

AI 해커톤 (2021)
2021 AI 해커톤 장려상 수상

프레임-이벤트 카메라 센서 기반 자동 백혈구 모니터링 연구, 신산업융합형임베디드시스템 전문인력양성사업 지능정보시스템 플랫폼 분야 “실무역량강화 성과활용워크샵”, 이지홍, 남유상, 권동욱, Nov, 2024.

Jiwoon Lee

Jiwoon Lee received his BS degree and is currently pursuing a MS degree in Computer Engineering at Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea.
His research interests include computational neuroscience, signal processing and brain-computer interfaces. Lee's work focuses on applying advanced computational methods to understand neural processes and develop innovative brain-computer interaction technologies.

Journal Article

Designing Spiking Neural Network-Based Reinforcement Learning for 3D Robotic Arm Applications
Yuntae Park, Jiwoon Lee, Donggyu Sim, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park. “Designing Spiking Neural Network-Based Reinforcement Learning for 3D Robotic Arm Applications“. Electronics 14, no. 3: 578. Jan 2025. (SCIE, Co-first author: IF=2.6, JCR Top 45.3%)

Brain-Inspired Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Network-based Control: A Tutorial
Choongseop Lee, Yuntae Park, Seongmin Yoon, Jiwoon Lee, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park. “Brain-Inspired Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Network-based Control: A Tutorial.“ Biomedical Engineering Letters. Dec 2024. (SCIE, Co-first author: IF=3.2, JCR Top 45.9%)

Deep Neural Network-based Empirical Mode Decomposition for Motor Imagery EEG Classification
Hyunsoo Yu, Suwhan Baek, Jiwoon Lee, Ilsoo Sohn, Bosun Hwang, Cheolsoo Park. “Deep Neural Network-based Empirical Model Decomposition for Motor Imagery EEG Classification.“ IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Jul 2024. (SCIE, Co-first author: IF=4.8, JCR Top 2.9%)

Predicting Car Rental Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
Jiseok Yang, Jinseok Kim, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Cheolsoo Park. “Predicting Car Rental Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models“. Electronics 13, no. 12: 2345. Jun 2024. (SCIE, Co-author: IF=2.6, JCR Top 45.3%)

Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques
Jiseok Yang, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Jihong Lee, Cheolsoo Park, “Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering 29, no. 1. Feb 2024. (KCI, Co-author)


Metaverse: Research Based Prediction Model of the Car Price in view of the Machine-learning Method
Jiseok Yang, Jinseok Kim, Jiwoon Lee, Hanwoong Ryu, Seonghyeok Yeo, Panjung Kim, Yoonki Kim, Jiyeun Lim, Hyunjoon Yoon, Cheolsoo Park, “Metaverse: Research Based Prediction Model of the Car Price in the view of the Machine-learning Method”, IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023), Jun 2023, Kyoto, Japan

A Reconstruction Algorithm Employing Diffusion Model for Generating Multivariate Time Series Biosignals
강영신, 이지운, 박철수, “A Reconstruction Algorithm Employing Diffusion Model for Generating Multivariate Time Series Biosignals”, 2023 대한의용생체공학회 춘계 학술대회, Apr 2023, Daegu, Korea

Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model based Time-Series ECG data Interpolation
이지운, 박철수, “Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model based Time-Series ECG data Interpolation”, 2022 대한의용생체공학회 추계 학술대회, Nov 2022, Incheon, Korea

Restoration of Time-Series Medical Data with Diffusion Model
J. Lee, C. Park, “Restoration of Time-Series Medical Data with Diffusion Model”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia)Oct 2022, Yeosu, Korea

Design of Explainable AI Model with LIME for Single Channel Electroencephalogram
S. Baek, H. Yu, J. Lee, C. Park, “Design of Explainable AI Model with LIME for Single Channel Electroencephalogram”, 2022년도 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회Jun 2022, Jeju, Korea

Arrhythmia Classification Using 1D-2D Conversion
S. Baek, S. Han, J. Lee, W. Lee, C. Park, “Arrhythmia Classification Using 1D-2D Conversion”, u-Healthcare 2019, Dec 2019, Seoul, Korea


Excellent Exhibition Center Award
“Human Brain Neuro-computing Platform Research Center”, 2024 World IT Show, Ministry of Science and ICT, Apr 2024

Excellence Award (Director of Korea Electronics Technology Institute Award)
“SNN-based arm motion imitation robot arm control algorithm using EMG and DVS”, the World Embedded Software Contest 2023, Dec 2023

Best Paper Award (IEEE, IEIE)
Oral session, “Restoration of Time-Series Medical Data with Diffusion Model”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia), Oct 2022

Excellence Award (Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Award)
“Real-Time Matchmaking System Development using Machine Learning algorithm“, 2021 Ministry of National Defense Start-Up Challenge, Dec 2021

Grand Prize
“Text-To-Speech based on Generative Adversarial Network”, The 1st Kwangwoon University Chambit Design Semester Performance Presentation, Dec 2019

Google Scholar

Hanwoong Ryu

Hanwoong Ryu received his BS degree in Computer Engineering from Kwangwoon University in Seoul, South Korea.
His research interests include LLM, Deep Learnning, Coumputer Vision, and Time Series. He was a summer trainee at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) from 24.07.01 to 24.08.31.

Journal Article

Predicting Car Rental Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
Jiseok Yang, Jinseok Kim, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Cheolsoo Park, “Predicting Car Rental Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models“, MDPI Electronics, June 2024

Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques
Jiseok Yang, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Jihong Lee, Cheolsoo Park, “Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering, Jan 2024


Metaverse: Research Based Prediction Model of the Car Price in view of the Machine-learning MethodmJiseok Yang, Jinseok Kim, Jiwoon Lee, Hanwoong Ryu, Seonghyeok Yeo, Panjung Kim, Yoonki Kim, Jiyeun Lim, Hyunjoon Yoon, Cheolsoo Park, “Metaverse: Research Based Prediction Model of the Car Price in the view of the Machine-learning Method”, IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023), June 2023, Kyoto, Japan

Optimization and Advancement of 1D Convolution-based RepVGG Model for Efficient Blood Pressure Prediction
류한웅, 윤성민, 박철수, “Optimization and Advancement of 1D Convolution-based RepVGG Model for Efficient Blood Pressure Prediction”, 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2023, Seoul, Korea

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Determine the Calibration Interval of a Blood Pressure Prediction Model
윤성민, 이지홍, 류한웅, 박철수, “A reinforcement Learning Approach to Determine the Calibration Interval of a Blood Pressure Prediction Model”, 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2023, Seoul, Korea

Can We Edit the Eyes? A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Editing in Vision and Language Modules of Multimodal Models
성진, 류한웅, 박지윤, 권오욱, “Can We Edit the Eyes? A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Editing in Vision and Language Modules of Multimodal Models“, 한국인공지능학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2024, Seoul, Korea

Look and Edit: Visual-Guided Multimodal Editing with Retrieval-Enhanced Counterfactuals
성진, 박지윤, 류한웅, 임수종, “Look and Edit: Visual-Guided Multimodal Editing with Retrieval-Enhanced Counterfactuals“, 한국인공지능학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2024, Seoul, Korea

Zero-shot Human Action Recognition Using Multimodal Large Language Models
류한웅, 원지환, 양지석, 박윤태, 양근보, 박철수, “Zero-shot Human Action Recognition Using Multimodal Large Language Models“, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2024, Gangwon, Korea

Transformer based on Spiking Neural Network for EMG Signal Classification
박윤태, 이지운, 원지환, 이정환, 류한웅, 박종길, 박철수, “Transformer based on Spiking Neural Network for EMG Signal Classification“, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2024, Gangwon, Korea


박철수, 류한웅, 강영신, 출원번호: 10-2023-0185451, 출원일자: 2023.12.19, 출원국가: 대한민국

LLM 기반 차량 추천 시스템
박철수, 양지석, 류한웅, 출원번호: 10-2023-0190509, 출원일자: 2022.12.22, 출원국가: 대한민국


우수 논문상
윤성민, 이지홍, 류한웅, 박철수, “A reinforcement Learning Approach to Determine the Calibration Interval of a Blood Pressure Prediction Model”, 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회, Nov 2023, Seoul, Korea

한국정보처리학회 회장상(우수상)
이지홍, 김민지, 남유상, 류한웅, “제 22회 임베디드 소프트웨어 경진대회 산학 프로젝트 부문” Nov, 2024, Seoul, Korea


Minji Kim

Minji Kim received her BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Kwangwoon University in Seoul, South Korea. Her research interests include Computer Vision, Machine learning algorithms, Drone Detection


최희우, 안태현, 김민지, 김수현, IoT 기반의 지능화 금고 보안 시스템, 한국정보처리학회, ICT 멘토링 ACK 학술대회 2021

권일혁, 김민지, 전인석, 서울 버추얼 자율주행 챌린지, 서울특별시/MORAI, 2023, 

배달의민족 자율주행부문 특별상
권일혁, 김민지, 전인석, 홍영준, R-BIZ Challenge 푸드딜리버리, 한국로봇산업진흥원/배달의 민족, 2023,

한국정보처리학회 회장상(우수상)
이지홍, 김민지, 남유상, 류한웅, “제 22회 임베디드 소프트웨어 경진대회 산학 프로젝트 부문” Nov, 2024, Seoul, Korea


Hyuntae Lee

Hyuntae Lee received his BS degree in Computer Engineering from Kwangwoon University in Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include Computer Vision, Machine learning algorithms, remote-photomplethysmogram

Journal Article

Designing a Remote Photoplethymography-Based Heart Rate Estimation Algorithm During a Treadmill Exercise
Yusang NamJunghwan Lee, Jihong Lee, Hyuntae Lee, Dongwook Kwon, Minsoo Yeo, Sayup Kim, Ryanghee Sohn and Cheolsoo Park. “Designing a Remote Photoplethysmography-Based Heart Rate Estimation Algorithm During a Treadmill Exercise“. Electronics. Feb 2025.