Journal Articles

Bio-Computing & Machine Learning Laboratory

Journal Articles


Yuntae Park, Jiwoon Lee, Donggyu Sim, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, “Designing Spiking Neural Network-Based Reinforcement Learning for 3D Robotic Arm Applications”, Electronics, Vol.14, January 2025

Choongseop Lee, Geunbo Yang, Jaewoo Beak, Yuntae Park, Mingyu Cheon, Jongkil Park, “Regression Model Employing Spiking Neural Network for Bio-Signal Analysis With Hardware Integration”, IEEE Access, Vol.13, February 2025

Yusang Nam, Junghwan Lee, Jihong Lee, Hyuntae Lee, Dongwook Kwon, Minsoo Yeo, Sayup Kim, Ryanghee Sohn, Cheolsoo Park, “Designing a Remote Photoplethysmography-Based Heart Rate Estimation Algorithm During a Treadmill Excercise”, Electronics, Vol.14, February 2025


Choongseop Lee, Yuntae Park, Sungmin Yoon, Jiwoon Lee, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, “Brain-inspired learning rules for spiking neural network-based control: a tutorial.”, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Vol.14(Currently editing) , December 2024

Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, Sangwon Yun, “Tunable Absorptive Dual Notch Filters Using A Stub-Loaded Coupled Line with An Inductor”, Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, Vol.24(6), November 2024

Hyunsoo Yu, Suwhan Baek, Jiwoon Lee, Illsoo Sohn, Bosun Hwang, Cheolsoo Park, “Deep Neural Network-based Empirical Mode Decomposition for Motor Imagery EEG Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol.32, July 2024

Geunbo Yang, Youngshin Kang, Peter H. Charlton, Panayiotis A. Kyriacou, Ko Keun Kim, Ling Li, Cheolsoo Park, “Energy-Efficient PPG-Based Respiratory Rate Estimation Using Spiking Neural Networks”, Sensors, Vol.24(12), June 2024

Jiseok Yang, Jinseok Kim, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee and Cheolsoo Park, “Predicting Car Rental Prices:A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models”, Electronics, Vol. 13(12), June 2024

GRR Dewa, C Park, I Sohn, “Priority-Aware Scheduling for High-Dense Healthcare IoT (H-IoT) Networks Using Message-Passing Algorithm”, IEEE internet of Things Journal, Vol. 14(8), March 2024
Y. Cho and C. Park, “Tunable absorptive bandpass filter with two transmission zeros based on image parameter method“, microwave and optical technology letters, Vol. 66(1), November 2023

S. N. Fatihah, G. R. R. Dewa, C. Park, I. Sohn, “Self-Optimizing Bluetooth Low Energy Networks for Industrial IoT Applications“, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 27(1), January 2023

Jiseok Yang, Hanwoong Ryu, Jiwoon Lee, Jihong Lee, Cheolsoo Park, “Design of Metaverse Rental Car Price Prediction Method Through Machine Learning Techniques“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering, Vol. 29(1), January 2024
Guenbo Yang, Wongyu Lee, Youjung Seo, Choongseop Lee, Woojoon Seok, Jongkil Park, Donggyu Sim, Cheolsoo Park “Unsupervised Spiking Neural Network with Dynamic Learning of Inhibitory Neurons“, Sensors, Vol. 23(16), August 2023
Gilang Raka Rayuda Dewa, Cheolsoo Park, Illsoo Sohn, “Hierarchical Affinity Propagation for Reliable Integrated Multi-Layer V2X Networks“, IEEE internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10(18), April 2023
Youngshin Kang, Geunbo Yang, Heesang Eom, Seungwoo Han, Suwhan Baek, Seungil Noh, Youngjoo Shin, Cheolsoo Park, “GAN-based patient information hiding for an ECG authentication system”, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Vol. 13(1), March 2023

Youjung Seo, Saehim Kwon, Unang Sunarya, Sungmin Park, Kwangsuk Park, Dawoon Jung, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, “Blood pressure estimation and its recalibraion assessment using wrist cuff blood pressure monitor“, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Vol. 13(1), March 2023

Suwhan Baek, Juhyeong Kim, Hyunsoo Yu, Geunbo Yang, lllsoo Sohn, Youngho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, “Intelligent Feature Selection for ECG-Based Personal Authentication Using Deep Reinforcement Learning“,  Sensors, Vol. 23(3), January 202



Y. Cho, S. Yoon and C. Park, “4-Pole Tunable Absorptive Bandstop Filters Using Folded Coupled-Lines With an Inductor”, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, November 2022

S. Noh, J. Kim, S. Lee, Y. Kang, C. Park, and Y. Shin “Broken Heart: Privacy Leakage Analysis on ECG-Based Authentication Schemes”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2022, September 2022

H. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Kwon, J. Kwon, S. Park, R. Sohn, C.Park “Multitask Siamese Network for Remote Photoplethysmography and Respiration Estimation”, Sensors, Vol 22(14), July 2022

Wonju Seo, Namho Kim, Cheolsoo Park, and Sung-Min Park, “Deep Learning Approach for Detecting WorkRelated Stress Using Multimodal Signals”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22(12), April 2022, 1pg, SCI, IF=3.301


Jaewoo Baek, Choongseop Lee, Hyunsoo Yu, Suwhan Baek, Seokmin Lee, Seungmin Lee, and Cheolsoo Park, “Automatic Sleep Scoring Using Intrinsic Mode based on Interpretable Deep Neural Networks.”, IEEE Access, Vol. 1, March 2022, IF=3.367


Suwhan Baek, Jeawoo Baek, Hyunsoo Yu, Chungseop Lee, and Cheolsoo Park*, “Explainable Sleep Staging Algorithm using a Single-channel Electroencephalogram”, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 11, no. 1, February 2022, IF=0.83


Jaewoo Baek, Suwan Baek, HyunSu Yu, JungHwan Lee, and Cheolsoo Park. “End-to-end Automatic Sleep Staging Algorithm using Convolution Neural Network and Bidirectional LSTM.”, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing, Vol. 10(6), Dec 2021, 464-468, IF=0.83


Suwhan Baek, Hyunsoo Yu, Jongryun Roh, Jungnyun Lee, Illsoo Sohn, Sayup Kim, Cheolsoo Park, “Effect of a Recliner Chair with Rocking Motions on Sleep Efficiency”, Sensors, Vol.21(24), Oct 2021, SCI, IF=3.576


Heesang Eom, Jongryun Roh, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Suwhan Baek, Sukho Lee, Sayup Kim, Cheolsoo Park,
“Deep Learning-Based Optimal Smart Shoes Sensor Selection for Energy Expenditure and Heart Rate Estimation”, Sensors, Vol.21(21), Sep 2021, SCI, IF=3.576


Gilang Raka Rayuda Dewa, Ahmad Sony Alfathani, Cheolsoo Park, Illsoo Sohn, “Distributed Channel Assignment for Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks Using Belief Propagation”, IEEE Access, Vol.9, 18 Aug 2021, SCI, IF=3.367


HyeonBin Lee, Gwangho Kim, JuHyeong Kim, YoungShin Kang, and Cheolsoo Park, “Optimal Design of Convolutional Neural Network for EEG-based Authentication”, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 10(3), June 2021, IF=0.83


Junmo Kim, Geunbo Yang, Juhyeong Kim, Seungmin Lee, Ko Keun Kim, Cheolsoo Park, “Efficiently Updating ECG-Based Biometric Authentication Based on Incremental Learning”, Sensors, Vol.21(5), Dec 2020,  SCI, IF=3.275


Young-Ho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, Sang-Won Yun, “0.7-1.0-GHz Switchable Dual-/Single-Band Tunable Bandpass Filter Using a Switchable J-Inverter Cognitive“, IEEE Access, Vol.9, SCI, IF=4.64

G. Kim, Y. S. Hariyani, S. Han, H. Lee, R. Sohn, and C. Park, “Optimization of Deep Neural Networks for Heartrate Estimation from Face Video Stream to Implement Smart Health-City,” The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 2220–2228, 2020.

C. Lee, W. Lee, S. Han, and C. Park, “ECG-Based Arrhythmia Detection SNN Algorithm Using STDP and Spike Inference for Smart Health City,” The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 2193–2201, 2020.

Byeonghwi Kim, Yuli-Sun Hariyani, Young-Ho Cho, Cheolsoo Park, “Automated White Blood Cell Counting in Nailfold Capillary Using Deep Learning Segmentation and Video Stabilization“, Sensors, Vol.20(24), SCI, IF=3.275

Dongseok Lee, Hyunbin Kwon, Dongyeon Son, Heesang Eom, Cheolsoo Park, Yonggyu Lim, Chulhun Seo, Kwangsuk Park, “Beat-to-beat continuous blood pressure estimation using bidirectional long short-term memory network“, Sensors, Vol.21(1), SCI, IF=3.275

Unang Sunarya, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Taeheum Cho, Jongryun Roh, Joonho Hyeong , Illsoo Sohn, Sayup Kim, Cheolsoo Park, “Feature Analysis of Smart Shoe Sensors for Classification of Gait Patterns“, Sensors, Vol.20(21), SCI, IF=3.275

Young-Ho Cho, Sang-won Yun, Cheolsoo Park, “A 1.0 to 1.58-GHz tunable bandpass filter with switchable single-/dual-band responses“, Microwave and Optica Technology Letters, Vol.62(11), SCI, IF=1.17

Heesang Eom, Dongseok Lee, Seungwoo Han, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Yonggyu Lim, Illsoo Sohn, Kwangsuk Park, and Cheolsoo Park, “End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation Using Attention Mechanism”, Sensors, Vol.20(8), SCI, IF=3.275

Hyunsoo Yu, Oh-Soon Shin, Sayup Kim, Cheolsoo Park, “Effect of an Inflatable Air Mattress with Variable Rigidity on Sleep Quality“, Sensors 2020, VOL.20(18), 5317, 17 Sep 2020, SCI, IF=3.275

Seungwoo Han,Wongyu Lee, Heesang Eom, Juhyeong Kim and Cheolsoo Park, “Detection of Arrhythmia using 1D Convolution Neural
Network with LSTM Model“, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, VOL.9(4) Aug 2020, SCOPUS, IF=0.00

Gilang Raka Rayuda Dewa, Cheolsoo Park, Illsoo Sohn, “Distributed Cell Clustering Based on Multi-Layer Message Passing for Downlink Joint Processing Coordinated Multipoint Transmission“, MDPI Applied Sciences 10(15), 5154, SCI, IF=2.474

Gil-Mo KANG, Cheolsoo PARK, Oh-Soon SHIN, “An Optimal Power Allocation Scheme for Device-to-Device Communications in a Cellular OFDM System“, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (2020), SCI, IF=1.090

Heesang Eom, Dongseok Lee, Seungwoo Han, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Yonggyu Lim, Illsoo Sohn, Kwangsuk Park, Cheolsoo Park, “End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation Using Attention Mechanism“, Sensors 2020, 20(8), 2338. SCI(E), IF=3.031

Yuli Sun Hariyani, Heesang Eom, Cheolsoo Park, “DA-CapNet: Dual Attention Deep Learning based on U-Net for Nailfold Capillary Segmentation“, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 10543-10553, 2020. SCI(E), IF=4.098

Woojoon Seok, Minsoo Yeo, Jiwoo You, Heejun Lee, Taeheum Cho, Bosun Hwang, Cheolsoo Park, “Optimal Feature Search for Vigilance Estimation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning“, Electronics, Vol 9, Jan 2020, SCI(E), IF=1.956

Taeheum Cho, Unang Sunarya, Minsoo Yeo, Bosun Hwang, Yong Seo Koo, Cheolsoo Park, “Deep-ACTINet: End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Automatic Sleep-Wake Detection Using Wrist Actigraphy“, Electronics, Vol 8, 1461, Dec 2019, SCI(E), IF=1.956

이상수, 박철수, 손일수, “저지연 WSN을 위한 중앙집중형 멀티채널 스케줄링 알고리즘“, KICS, Vol 44, Nov 2019, KCI

Jiwoo You, Youngjoo Kim, Woojoon Seok, Seungmin Lee, Donggyu Sim, Kwang Suk Park, Cheolsoo Park, “Multivariate Time–Frequency Analysis of Electrohysterogram for Classifcation of Term and Preterm Labor“, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp 897-916, March 2019, SCI(E), IF=0.715


Youngchul Kim, Minsoo Yeo, Illsoo Sohn, Cheolsoo Park, “Multimodal Drowsiness Detection Methods using Machine Learning Algorithms“, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol 7, no 5, pp361, October 30 2018, SCOPUS, IF=0.00

H Sung, O Shin, C Park, C Jun, I Sohn, “A Study on Adjacent Channel Interference and Coexistence in mmWAVE-Based 5G Systems“, The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol.43 No.09, Sep 2018, KCI

Park Cheolsoo; Took Clive Cheong, Seong Joon-Kyung, “Machine learning in biomedical engineering“, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Vol 8, Issue 1, pp 1–3, Feb 2018, SCOPUS

Minsoo Yeo, Ilsub Bang, Donghyun Kim, Abbas Ahmad, Hamza Baqa, Jaeseung Song, and Cheolsoo Park, “Automatic Malware Detection with Machine Learning Algorithms in a Smart Office Environment“, IEIE Smart Signal Processing, vol.7 no.4 pp.313 August, 2018, SCOPUS, IF=0.00

W. Seok1, C. Park1,2*, “Recognition of Human Motion with Deep Reinforcement Learning“, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 7, no. 3, June 2018, SCOPUS, IF=0.00

G. -S. Ryu, J. You, V. Lostianovskii, E. -B. Lee, Y. Kim, C. Park, and Y. -Y. Noh “Flexible and Printed PPG Sensors for Estimation of Drowsiness“, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 65, no. 7, pp 2997-3004 July 2018, SCI(E), IF=4.096

J.Kwon*, H.Lee*, J.Shin, W.Chung, M.Park & C.Park,”Lexical Planning in L2 Sentence Production: Evidence from ERPs“, Journal of Cognitive Science vol 18-4, p367-389(23pages), 2018 (* First Author), SCOPUS, IF=2.917

Y Kim, J You, H Lee, S Lee, C Park, “Correlation Assisted Strong Uncorrelating Transform Complex Common Spatial Patterns for Spatially Distant Channel Data“, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol 2018, Article ID 4281230, pp 9, April 2018, SCI(E), IF=2.154

Bosun Hwang, Jiwoo You, Thomas Vaessen, Inez My in-Germeys, *Cheolsoo Park, *Byoung-Tak Zhang (*Co-Corresponding Authors), “Deep ECGNet: An optimal deep learning framework for monitoring mental stress using ultra short-term ECG signals“, Telemedicine and e-Health(2018), SCI(E), IF=1.996

S Lee, H Byeon, B Kim, J Lee, J Jeong, J Lee, J Moon, C Park, H Choi, S Lee, “Flexible and implantable capacitive microelectrode for bio-potential acquisition“, BioChip Journal, Vol.11, pp.153-163, June 2017, SCI(E), IF=1.950

M. Yeo, Y. Koo and C. Park, “Automatic Detection of Sleep Stages based on Accelerometer Signals from a Wristband,” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp 21-26, Feb. 2017, SCOPUS, IF=0.00


S. Enshaeifar, C. C. Took, C. Park, D. P. Mandic, “Quaternion Common Spatial Patterns” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Nov. 2016, SCI(E), IF=4.098

Y. Kim, J. Ryu, K. Kim, C. C. Took, D. P. Mandic, C. Park, “Motor Imagery Classification Using Mu and Beta Rhythms of EEG with Strong Uncorrelating Transform Based Complex Common Spatial Patterns”, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. Sep 2016, SCI(E), IF=2.154

K. Lee, K. Kim, J. Song, J. Ryu, Y. Kim, C. Park, “Estimation of Brain Connectivity during Motor Imagery Tasks using Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition” Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 6, pp 1812-1824, Nov. 2016, SCI(E), IF=0.715

Y. Kim and C. Park, “Strong Uncorrelated Transform Applied to Spatially Distant Channel EEG Data” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 4 , pp 97-102, Apr. 2015, KCI, IF=0.00

J. Ryu and C. Park, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Electrohysterogram for Classification of Term and Preterm Birth” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 4, pp 103-109, Apr. 2015, KCI, IF=0.00

C. Park, “Review of Data-Driven Multivariate and Multiscale Methods” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 4, pp 89-96, Apr. 2015, KCI, IF=0.00

S. Lee, J. Kim, C. Park, J. Hwang, J. Hong, K. Lee, S. Lee, “Self-adhesive and Capacitive Carbon Nanotube-based Electrode to Record Electroencephalograph Signals from the Hairy Scalp” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol 63, no 1, pp 138-147, Dec. 2015, SCI(E), IF=4.098


Naveed ur Rehman, David Looney, Alireza Ahrabian, Cheolsoo Park, Danilo P. Mandic, “MULTIVARIATE EXTENSIONS OF EMPIRICAL MODE DECOMPOSITION“, Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications, 47-67, 2014, ISBN=978-981-4508-23-0

C. Park, M. Plank, J. Snider, S. Kim, H. Huang, S. Gepshtein, T. Coleman and H. Poizner, “EEG gamma band oscillations differentiate the planning of spatially directed movements of the arm versus eye: multivariate empirical mode decomposition analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol 22, no 5, pp 1083-1096, June 2014, SCI(E), IF=4.098

C. Park, C. C. Took, and D. P. Mandic, “Augmented Complex Common Spatial Patterns for Classification of Noncircular EEG from Motor Imagery Tasks” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol 22, no. 1, pp. 1-10, Jan. 2014, SCI(E), IF=4.098

N. U. Rehman, C. Park, N. E. Huang and D. P. Mandic, “EMD via MEMD: Multivariate noise-aided computation of standard EMD” Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1-25, Apr. 2013, ISSN=1793-5369

C. Park, D. Looney, N. U. Rehman, A. Ahrabian, and D. P. Mandic, “Classification of motor imagery BCI using multivariate empirical mode decomposition” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 10-22, 2013,IF=4.098


D. Looney, P. Kidmose, C. Park, M. Ungstrup, M. L. Rank, K. Rosenkranz, D. P. Mandic, “The In-the-Ear Recording Concept: User Centered and Wearable Brain monitoring” Pulse, IEEE, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 32-42, Nov. 2012, IF=4.098

M. Marimuthu, C. Park, S. Kim and C. Choi “Real-time electrical measurement of L929 cellular spontaneous and synchronous oscillation”, International Journal of Nanomedicine vol. 7, pp 83-92, 2012, IF=4.471

C. Park, D. Looney, M. V. Hulle, D. P. Mandic “The Complex Local Mean Decomposition” Neurocomputing vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 867-875, 2011

C. Park, D. Looney, P. Kidmose, M.Ungstrup and D.P. Mandic “Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG Asymmetry using Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 366-373, 2011, IF=4.098

C. Park, K. Kim, J. Choi, K. Park “Classification of Glucose Concentration in Diluted Urine using the Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy and Kernel Optimization Method”, Physiological Measurement vol. 28, pp. 583-593, 2007, IF=2.246

J. Choi, H.Lee, C. Park, S. Oh, K. Park “PC-Based Tele-Audiometry”, Telemedicine and E-Health, vol. 13, pp. 501-508, 2007, IF=1.996